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VSMEUPDATE131216 - VAT Small and Medium Enterprises Assurance: recent changes

Below are details of the amendments that were published on 16 December 2013 (see the update index for all updates).

Page Details of update  
VSME28000 Contents updated - pages renamed to reflect TRUCE working  
VSME28010 Page updated to explain TRUCE Workbench system  
VSME28030 Page name changed and updated to explain processing credibility queries using TRUCE Workbench  
VSME28040 Page amended to incorporate TRUCE Workbench working  
VSME28060 Page amended to include Workbench system  
VSME28140 Information on page regarding credibility ops deleted  
VSME28150 Page renamed to risk rule V009 queries, this replaces code 9 queries. Page has been updated to reflect this  
VSME28190 Page updated to reflect TRUCE Workbench working  
VSME28200 Page updated with TRUCE Workbench working and intervention types  
VSME28220 Page amended to show TRUCE Workbench processes  
VSME28240 Page updated with TRUCE Workbench processes  
VSME28250 Page renamed to risk rules and checks. Code names changed to ‘V’ series  
VSME28260 Page renamed to credibility intervention types. New table added to show intervention types  
VSME28270 Page renamed to meaning of resolution reason codes. Codes updated  
VSME28280 Page deleted