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Updates: VAT Supply and Consideration


9 May 2024 published amendments


3 June 2021 published amendments

Consideration: Payments that are consideration: Deposits and hotel booking charges: Examples illustrating Hotel cancellation/no-show

Reference to art of Directive 2006/112EC removed

Consideration: Payments that are not Consideration: Grants: What is a grant?

EU guidance update

Consideration: Payments that are not Consideration: Grants: Relevant legislation

EU guidance update

Consideration: Payments that are not consideration: Payments in specific sectors: Artist resale rights (or droit de suite) payments

Reference to European Directive (2002/84/EC) removed

Consideration: Change in consideration: Background

Reference to EU VAT 6th Directive removed

Consideration: Change in consideration: Law

Reference to Directive 2006/112 article 90 removed

Supply: Whether supplies are goods or services: Distinguishing between purchase and hire agreements: Background

Reference to VAT Directive 2006/112 and the EU removed.

Supply: Whether supplies are goods or services: Distinguishing between purchase and hire agreements: Balloon payments

Minor spelling correction

Supply: Whether supplies are goods or services: Permanent and temporary use of assets

EU guidance update

Supply: Single and multiple supplies: HMRC’s approach: Why is it important to distinguish between single and multiple supplies?

EU guidance update

Supply: Single and multiple supplies: Multiple supply indicators: The intention of the legislation

EU guidance updates

Supply: Direction of supplies: Receivers, liquidators and other insolvency cases: Recovery of VAT on costs incurred by mortgage lenders in respect of a sale of property under a power of sale

EU guidance updates

Illegal supplies: Basic principles

EU guidance updates


2 September 2020 published amendments

Consideration: Contents

Added new EUFs and ETFs etc. guidance under new section VATSC05900.

Consideration: Compensation and liquidated damages that are consideration: Contents










8 April 2020 published amendments

Consideration: Change in consideration: Changes to Regulation 38 from 1 September 2019

Added self-billing section to clarify who is responsible for issuing a credit note in self-billing arrangements.

19 February 2020 published amendments

Consideration: Payments that are not consideration: Fines and penalty charges

Updated Excess charges by contractors part to reflect policy position following Beavis V Parking Eye decision.


3 September 2019 published amendments

Consideration: Change in Consideration: Contents

Post Sept 19 and pre-UK Exit Regulation 38 changes

Consideration: Change in consideration: Background

Post Sept 19 and pre-UK Exit Regulation 38 changes

Consideration: Change in consideration: Law

Post Sept 19 and pre-UK Exit Regulation 38 changes

Consideration: Change in consideration: Regulation 38

Added new page to contents: VATSC06635 to reflect post Sept 19 and pre-UK Exit Regulation 38 changes

Consideration: Change in Consideration: ECJ judgments

Post Sept 19 and pre-UK Exit Regulation 38 changes

Consideration: Change in Consideration: Manufacturer refunds

Post Sept 19 and pre-UK Exit Regulation 38 changes

Consideration: Change in consideration: Regulation 38ZA meanings

Post Sept 19 and pre-UK Exit Regulation 38 changes

Consideration: Change in consideration: Regulation 38ZA accounting

Post Sept 19 and pre-UK Exit Regulation 38 changes

Consideration: Change in consideration: Regulation 38ZA: Historic ‘cash back’ arrangements

Post Sept 19 and pre-UK Exit Regulation 38 changes





21 August 2019 published amendments

Consideration: Contents

Removed "VATSC05600 - Deleted Page" from contents list.

14 February 2019 published amendments

12 February 2019 published amendments

28 January 2019 published amendments

17 January 2019 published amendments

16 January 2019 published amendments

Identifying a supply: Contents

New links added to contents list

Contents list restructure

Added link to VATSC04650

Identifying a supply: supplies of goods for consideration: contents


Identifying a supply: supplies of goods for no consideration: Contents


Identifying a supply: Supplies of services for no consideration

Guidance restructure

Consideration: Contents

Guidance restructure

Consideration: Other indicators to establish whether there is consideration

Guidance restructure

Consideration: Consideration other than money

Guidance restructure

Consideration: Payments that are consideration: Contents

Guidance restructure

Consideration: Payments that are not consideration: Contents

Links to VATSC 6300, 6500, 6600, 6700 and 6800 added to this page.

Consideration: Payments that are not Consideration: Grants: Contents

Title updated

Consideration: Settlement of Disputes: Contents

Title updated

Supply: Contents

Guidance restructure

Archived: now VATSC03350

Republish to push changes through.

Illegal supplies: Contents

Guidance restructure

Page moved to VATSC06300

Link to VATSC53530 added to contents page.

Page moved to VATSC06310

Guidance updated.

Page moved to VATSC06311

Guidance updated.

Page moved to VATSC06316

Guidance Updated.

Archived: now VATSC06317

Title change

Archived: now VATSC06318

title change

Archived: now VATSC06331

Guidance Updated

Archived: now VATSC06335

Amending EC to EU

Archived: now VATSC06338


Archived: now VATSC06340

Guidance updated.

Archived: now VATSC06342

VATSC 53000 completely rewritten and updated.


14 December 2018 published amendments

Archived: now VATSC05880

Guidance updated and two subpages added.

14 November 2018 published amendments

Archived: now VATSC05880

Condensing salary sacrifice guidance into this one page. Removing links to other sections and archiving those pages

30 August 2018 published amendments


Page archived


Page archived


Page archived

16 July 2018 published amendments

Archived: now VATSC03350

Text updated 16 July 2018

22 January 2018 published amendments

Archived: now VATSC06318

Title change

title change


15 January 2018 published amendments


Page archived. Guidance Updated.


Page archived. Guidance Updated.


Page archived. Guidance Updated.


Page archived. Guidance Updated.


Page archived. Guidance Updated.


Page archived. Guidance Updated.

Archived: now VATSC06343

Guidance updated


11 January 2017 published amendments

Basic principles and underlying law: Contents

Links to VAT Supply team and DFS Team updated.