VATREC15060 - Other Invoicing arrangements: Self-billing: Approach to assurance risks at the supplier (self-billee)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
- The additional risks at a self-billee (supplier) are that he:
- fails to recognise the self-billed invoice as creating an output tax liability for him;
- posts the self-billed invoice as an input; or
- issues an ordinary tax invoice contrary to the conditions of self-billing. This can be inadvertently posted by the self-biller giving rise to double deduction of input tax; or posted by the supplier in addition to the self-billed invoice, so creating an over declaration of output tax.
Your approach should be to gain assurance that the self-billee understands self-billing and complies with the conditions in Self-billing (VAT Notice 700/62) - GOV.UK.