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VTRANS110350 - Archived: Chartering: BIMCO Charter codes (examples)

A) Voyage Charter-Parties


    Code Name
CEMENT Standard Voyage Charter Party for the Transportation of Bulk Cement and Cement Clinker in Bulk CEMENTVOY
COAL, COKE, PATENT FUEL The Baltic and International Maritime Conference Coal Voyage Charter 1971 (Rev. 1976) POLCOALVOY
COAL, COKE, PATENT FUEL “Polcoalvoy” Slip-1995 Loading and Demurrage Scales -
COAL, COKE, PATENT FUEL “Polcoalvoy-ATIC” Terms for Shipments of Coal to France (Rev. 1976) (Applicable as from 1 November 1988) -
COAL, COKE, PATENT FUEL “Polcoalvoy” Rider-1990 for use with the “Polcoalvoy” Charter -
COAL, COKE, PATENT FUEL Soviet Coal Charter 1962 (Amended 1971, 1981 and 1987). For Coal, Coke and Coaltarpitch from the U.S.S.R. (Layout 1971) SOVCOAL
COAL, COKE, PATENT FUEL “Sovcoal-ATIC” Terms for Shipments of Coal to France (Applicable as from 1 November 1988) -
COAL, COKE, PATENT FUEL The Japan Shipping Exchange, Inc., Coal Charter Party NIPPONCOAL
COAL, COKE, PATENT FUEL Americanized Welsh Coal Charter AMWELSH 93
FERTILISERS Chamber of Shipping Fertilisers Charter, 1942 FERTICON
FERTILISERS North American Fertilizer Charter Party 1978 (Amended 1988) FERTIVOY 88
FERTILISERS Hydrocharter Voyage Charter Party (Amended 1975) HYDROCHARTER
FERTILISERS Soviet Fertilizer Charter Party FERTISOV
FERTILISERS Fertiliser Voyage Charter Party QAFCOCHARTER
GAS Gas Voyage Charter Party to be used for Liquid Gas except LNG GASVOY
GENERAL The Baltic and International Maritime Council Uniform General Charter (As revised 1922, 1974, 1976 and 1994) GENCON
GENERAL The Baltic and International Maritime Council Scandinavian Voyage Charter 1956 (Amended 1962 and 1993) SCANCON
GENERAL Universal Voyage Charter Party 1984 (Revised Voyage Charter Party 1964) published by Polish Chamber of Foreign Trade, Gdynia NUVOY-84
GENERAL The World Food Programme Voyage Charter Party WORLDFOOD
GRAIN Australian Wheat Charter 1990 (Amended 1991) AUSTWHEAT 1990
GRAIN Continent Grain Charter Party SYNACOMEX 90
GRAIN North American Grain Charterparty 1973, issued by the Association of Ship Brokers and Agents (USA) Inc NORGRAIN 89
GRAIN Grain Voyage Charter Party 1966 (Revised and recommended 1974) GRAINVOY
ORE Soviet Ore Charter Party for Ores and Ore Concentrates from U.S.S.R. Ports (Amended 1987) SOVORECON
ORE Apatite Charter Party for Shipments of Apatite Ore and Apatite Concentrate from Murmansk (Amended 1987) MURMAPATIT
ORE The Japan Shipping Exchange, Inc., Iron Ore Charter Party NIPPONORE
ORE The Baltic and International Maritime Conference Standard Ore Charter Party OREVOY
STONE Chamber of Shipping Stone Charter-Party, 1920 (Amended 1925, 1959, 1974 and 1995) PANSTONE
TANKERS International Association of Independent Tanker Owners Tanker Voyage Charter Party TANKERVOY 87
TANKERS International Association of Independent Tanker Owners Tanker Consecutive Voyage Clauses INTERCONCS EC 76
TANKERS The Baltic and International Maritime Council Standard Voyage Charter Party for Vegetable/Animal Oils and Fats BISCOILVOY 86
TANKERS Standard Voyage Charter Party for the Transportation of Chemicals in Tank Vessels CHEMTANKVOY
TANKERS International Association of Independent Tanker Owners Tanker Contract of Affreightment INTERCOA 80
WOOD* Black Sea Timber Charter Party for Timber from U.S.S.R. and Romanian Black Sea and Danube Ports BLACKSEAWOOD
WOOD* Chamber of Shipping Baltic Wood Charter Party 1973 NUBALTWOOD
WOOD* “Ruswood” Russian Wood Charter Party1961 (as revised 1995) RUSWOOD
WOOD* The Baltic and International Maritime Conference Soviet Roundwood Charter Party for Pulpwood, Pitwood, Roundwood and Logs from Baltic and White Sea Ports of the U.S.S.R SOVCONROUND
WOOD* The Japan Shipping Exchange, Inc. Charter Party for Logs 1967 NANYOZAI 1967



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B) Time Charter-Parties


The Baltic and International Maritime Conference Uniform Time-Charter (Box Layout 1974) BALTIME 1939
The Baltic and International Maritime Conference Deep Sea Time Charter (Box Layout 1974) LINERTIME
Uniform Time Charter Party for Offshore Service Vessels SUPPLYTIME 89
Uniform Time Charter Party for Container Vessels BOXTIME
The Baltic and International Maritime Conference Uniform Time Charter Party for Vessels Carrying Liquified Gas GASTIME
International Association of Independent Tanker Owners Tanker Time Charter Party INTERTANKTIME 80
The Baltic and International Maritime Conference Uniform Time Charter Party for Vessels Carrying Chemicals in Bulk BIMCHEMTIME
New York Produce Exchange Time Charter NYPE 93


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C) Other Standard Charterparties


BARECON (bareboat or demise charterparty)
C ORE 7  
ASBA 2