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VCM35030 - Venture Capital Schemes Manual: the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme: income tax relief: company procedures: company and investor procedures: company procedures: duty of completing the compliance statement

A company can have an agent authorised to act on their behalf for dealing with HMRC when completing and submitting their compliance statement SEIS1 form.

The compliance statement can only be completed and submitted by one of the following:

  • a company secretary
  • a director
  • an agent authorised to act on the company’s behalf.

Where a statement has been completed by an agent or you want HMRC to correspond with your agent a signed letter from the company confirming the authority of the agent to act on their behalf must be included with the statement.

A compliance statement completed by any other person will not be considered and will be returned unread by HMRC.

If a company wants HMRC to correspond with them or their authorised agent by email then they must complete either the template incorporated in the EIS1 or confirm in writing by post or email to HMRC by providing the details in “If a company and authorised agent do want to use email”, see VCM2035 about the risks and company’s obligation of corresponding with HMRC by email.

A company can have an agent authorised to act on their behalf for dealing with HMRC on completing and submitting their compliance statement