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VCM51200 - VCT: investor income tax reliefs: dividend exemption from income tax

ITTOIA05/S709 - S712

Individuals aged 18 or over who acquire ordinary VCT shares (whether by subscription for new shares or otherwise) are exempt from income tax on dividends in respect of shares acquired within the ‘permitted maximum’.

The permitted maximum for acquitedVCT shares is £200,000 (by market value) in a tax year for 2004-05 onwards (a year beginning on 6 April and ending on 5 April in the following year).

Investors who receive exempt dividends do not have to show them on their tax returns and HMRC officers should not assess investors on exempt dividends.

Withdrawal of VCT approval

The relief applies only to those dividends paid by the VCT whilst it is approved. If provisional approval is withdrawn (see VCM54400), all dividends paid during the period of approval will be treated as if they were never exempt from income tax.

Genuine commercial purpose

Relief is not due unless the shares are acquired for genuine commercial purposes and not as part of a scheme or arrangement, the main purpose of which is tax avoidance.