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VCM54340 - VCT: VCT approval: maintaining approval: where provisional approval given

ITA07/S274(2) & S275

Where a company has provisional approval, it must ensure that:

  • in relation to the accounting period which is current when the approval application is made or the next accounting period, and the following accounting periods:
Approval Condition
* its income in them is derived wholly or mainly from shares or securities (see VCM54050) (nature of income condition);
* no holding represents more than 15% by value of its investments at any time during them (see VCM54070) (15% holding limit condition);
* its ordinary share capital is included in the official UK list throughout them (listing condition); from 6 April 2011 this condition is satisfied if the VCT is admitted to trading on a regulated market; a regulated market has the same meaning as in Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament (see VCM54040); and
* it does not retain more than 15% of its income derived in them from shares and securities (see VCM54060); and (income retention condition).

In addition, by an accounting period beginning no more than three years after approval is given, and in the following accounting periods:

Approval Condition
* at least 70% by value of its investments are in qualifying holdings of shares or securities throughout the accounting period (the percentage is increased to 80% for accounting periods starting on or after 6 April 2019) (see VCM54080 onwards) (70% qualifying holdings condition);
* at least 70% by value of its qualifying holdings were in eligible shares throughout that accounting period (see VCM54140) (70% eligible shares condition);

and any additional conditions included in the approval notice are met (see VCM54300).

However, if further ordinary shares are issued VCM54170 will apply.

Where any of these conditions are not met, approval may be withdrawn (ITA07/S281).