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VCM55090 - VCT: VCT qualifying holdings: trading requirement


The relevant company - that is, the company issuing the shares or securities - must fall into one of two categories. It must either exist for the purpose of carrying on a qualifying trade or it must be the parent company of a group whose business is essentially that of carrying on qualifying activities. See VCM55100 for the meaning of ‘qualifying trade’.

See VCM55290 regarding the special rules applying where the company participates in a share exchange that results in the insertion of a new holding company over it.

See VCM55120 regarding the rules applying if the company goes into liquidation, receivership or administration.

Trading companies

If the company does not meet the trading requirement as a parent company it must exist wholly for the purpose of carrying on a qualifying trade or trades. See VCM55100 for the meaning of ‘qualifying trade’.

The purposes for which a company exists fall to be ascertained primarily by reference to what, through its directors and employees, it actually does, and not, for example, by reference to the intentions of those who originally formed it. A new company whose directors are actively engaged in setting up a trade should not be regarded as failing to satisfy the rule merely because it is not yet trading and a large part of its funds is temporarily being held on deposit. However, the making of investments which are less easily realisable is likely to lead to the conclusion that the company exists for investment purposes, even if there is an intention to trade at a later date.

The cessation of trading, other than an involuntary and temporary cessation caused by some eventuality such as a fire, will normally mean that the company ceases to exist for the purpose of carrying on a trade. But there is no reason why the company should not cease one trade and begin another, provided the interval between the two activities is brief. As regards a cessation of trading caused by the company’s becoming insolvent, see VCM55120.

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Parent companies

For a company to be a parent company it must have one or more qualifying subsidiaries (see VCM55260). This includes companies that become qualifying subsidiaries during the relevant period.

Non-qualifying activities carried on must not amount to a substantial part of the business. ‘Substantial’ is not defined by the legislation, but we will not normally regard activities as ‘substantial’ if they amount to less than 20% of the whole business.

The way this rule is applied is as below.

The following types of activity are ignored altogether:

  • holding shares in a subsidiary, making loans to a subsidiary, and making loans to the parent company,
  • holding and managing property used by any group company for the purpose of a trade or of research and development,
  • insignificant activities, where the particular company which carries them on exists for the purpose of carrying on a trade.

Everything else done by any company in the group constitutes ‘the activities of the group taken as a whole’.

Any activities in the following categories have to be identified:

  • trades, or activities which are parts of trades, which are on the list of excluded activities in VCM3010.
  • activities which are not carried on in the course of a trade, other than research and development (for example, investment in property or shares).

Such activities must not form a substantial part of the activities of the group as a whole.

The wording of the provision allows us to disregard any trivial or incidental activity.