VCM58000 - VCT: VCT returns: contents
VCM58010General information and investments
VCM58020Details in the return
VCM58030Identifying investments funded by different issues of shares
VCM58040Identifying investments funded by different issues of shares: protected money
VCM58050Identifying investments funded by different issues of shares: completing the return
VCM58060Identifying investments funded by different issues of shares: further issues
VCM58070Identifying investments funded by different issues of shares: record keeping
VCM58080Identifying investments funded by different issues of shares: interaction of protected money and further issue
VCM58085How to make a return of information under Regulation 22 and 22A
VCM58090Return of amounts subscribed for eligible shares
VCM58100Return of amounts subscribed for eligible shares: format of return