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VCM74010 - Share Loss Relief: individual and corporate claimants: individual claimants: method of approach

This part of the guidance contains details of the provisions which apply to claims to Share Loss Relief made by individuals. You will need to know at the outset some basic facts about the claim, such as

  • when the shares disposed of were issued (see VCM72040 and VCM74060);
  • when the shares were disposed of (or are deemed to have been disposed of - see VCM75240 and VCM75250)
  • whether any complicating factors are present (see VCM75300+).

The guidance is divided up into parts which deal with various aspects of the claim and the conditions which must be met in order for it to be valid.

Title Page references
The claims procedure VCM74020
Interaction with capital gains tax VCM74020
Subscription for shares VCM74060
Eligible shares VCM74070
Disposals and deemed disposals VCM74090+
Type of company invested in VCM74300
Meaning of qualifying trading company VCM74320+
Taking account of reorganisations and reconstructions (bonus issues etc) VCM75330+
Taking account of mixed holdings VCM75400
Dealing with part disposals VCM75400+
When relief is restricted VCM75400 - VCM75430