VCM74300 - Share loss relief: individual and corporate claimants: individual claimants: type of company invested in: qualifying trading company: contents
VCM74310The role of the concept
VCM74330History of the concept
VCM74340Seeking information from other offices
VCM74500Condition A: contents
VCM74510Nature of the issuing company
VCM74600Trading requirement: contents
VCM74620Qualifying trades and excluded activities
VCM74630Effect of administration or receivership
VCM74640How the requirement has changed over time
VCM74900Control and independence requirement: introduction
VCM74910Control and independence requirement: description
VCM74920Qualifying subsidiaries requirement: introduction
VCM74930Qualifying subsidiaries requirement: what is a qualifying subsidiary?
VCM74940Qualifying subsidiaries requirement: how the requirement has changed over time
VCM74950Property managing subsidiaries requirement: introduction
VCM74960Property managing subsidiaries requirement: definition of terms
VCM74970Property managing subsidiaries requirement: how this requirement has changed over time
VCM74990When requirements of condition A must be met
VCM75000Condition B
VCM75100Condition C: gross assets requirement
VCM75110Condition C: unquoted status requirement
VCM75120Condition D: relationship of issuing company to UK
VCM75130Future changes to the conditions