Income Support rates

You can no longer make a new claim for Income Support. If you’re on a low income and need help to cover your costs, you can apply for Universal Credit instead.

Income Support includes:

  • a basic payment (personal allowance)
  • extra payments (premiums)

Your income and any savings (over £5,999) can affect how much you get.

Personal allowance

Your situation Weekly payment
Single - age 16 to 24 £71.70
Single - age 25 or over £90.50
Lone parent - age 16 to 17 £71.70
Lone parent - age 18 or over £90.50
Couples - both under 18 £71.70
Couples - both under 18 getting ‘higher rate’ £108.30
Couples - one under 18, the other 18 to 24 £71.70
Couples  - one under 18, the other 25 or over £90.50
Couples - one under 18, one over getting ‘higher rate’ £142.25
Couples - both 18 or over £142.25

Higher rate

The higher rate applies if either of you is responsible for a child, or if each of you would be eligible for one of the following if you were not a couple:

  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance


An Income Support ‘premium’ is extra money based on your circumstances, for example if:

  • your partner is a pensioner
  • you’re disabled or a carer

The benefit cap

The benefit cap limits the total amount of benefit you can get. It applies to most people aged 16 or over who have not reached State Pension age.

Some individual benefits are not affected, but it may affect the total amount of benefit you get.

How you’re paid

Payments are usually made every 2 weeks.

All benefits, pensions and allowances are paid into your bank, building society or credit union account.