Indefinite leave to remain or enter (domestic violence or abuse)

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You may be able to apply for permission to settle in the UK permanently if your relationship has broken down because of domestic violence or abuse.

Domestic violence and abuse can be emotional, psychological, physical, sexual or financial. It includes threatening or controlling behaviour to try to harm, isolate or frighten someone.

Permission to settle in the UK is sometimes called ‘settlement’, ‘indefinite leave to remain’ or ‘indefinite leave to enter’.

Permission to settle gives you the right to live, work and study here for as long as you like, and apply for benefits if you’re eligible. You can use it to apply for British citizenship.

Check if you’re eligible.

You must tell the Home Office if you separate from your partner and your visa is based on that relationship.

When to apply

Apply for permission to settle in the UK as soon as possible after the relationship breaks down.

If you have a current visa, do not wait for it to expire.

You can apply to settle from inside the UK or apply to settle from outside the UK.

Fees and how long it takes

The application fee is £2,885 per person, unless you do not have enough money to support yourself.

You can include any eligible children on your application form if you’re applying from inside the UK. If you’re outside the UK, you’ll need to make a separate application for each child coming with you.

You’ll each need to have your biometric information (fingerprints and a photo) taken - there’s no fee for this.

You’ll usually get a decision about your application within 6 months.

If you do not have enough money to support yourself

If you cannot pay the fee

You do not have to pay the fee if you can provide evidence that you:

  • do not have a place to live and cannot afford one
  • have a place to live but cannot afford essential living costs like food or heating
  • have a very low income and paying the fee would harm your child’s wellbeing

Evidence can include bank statements, a signed letter from your local authority or a signed letter from an agency that’s been giving you support.

If you’re in the UK and need support while waiting for a decision

You can apply for the ‘Migrant Victims of Domestic Abuse Concession’ to:

  • get permission to stay in the UK until you get a decision on your application to settle
  • be able to apply for benefits if you’re eligible, for example so you can find somewhere safe to live

Fill in the application form. Post or email it to the address on the form. 

You must apply for permission to settle in the UK within 3 months of applying for the ‘Migrant Victims of Domestic Abuse Concession’. If you do not, your permission to stay will end.

You cannot apply for the ‘Migrant Victims of Domestic Abuse Concession’ if you’re outside the UK.

If you apply for the concession and then resume your relationship with your partner, you may not be eligible to settle as their partner.

Get help

You can get immigration advice if you need help with getting permission to stay in the UK. You may be entitled to legal aid (free legal advice).

You can report domestic abuse to the police or contact organisations for help or advice.

You can get advice about staying in the UK on the Citizens Advice website.