Indefinite leave to remain if you have a Skilled Worker, T2 or tier 2 visa

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Financial requirements

You usually need to be paid at least a minimum salary if you hold a T2 or Skilled Worker visa. How much you must be paid depends on your visa.

T2 or Skilled Worker visa

You’ll usually need to be paid at least whichever is the highest out of the following:

  • £25,600 per year
  • £10.10 per hour
  • the ‘going rate’ for the type of work you’ll be doing


Your salary is £27,000 per year, but the annual going rate for the job you’ll be doing is £30,000. You do not meet the usual salary requirements for this visa.

Each occupation code has its own annual going rate. Check the going rate for your job in the going rates table.

If you work in healthcare or education

There are different salary rules if you work in some healthcare or education jobs, where the going rate is based on national pay scales.

When you can be paid less

If you do not meet the usual salary requirements, and you do not work in healthcare or education, you might still be eligible if your annual salary will be at least £20,480. You must still be paid at least £10.10 per hour.

You do not have to be paid £25,600 if the main job you’re sponsored for:

You also do not have to be paid £25,600 if you were sponsored for a Tier 2 (General) visa in one of the following occupation codes:

  • 2111 Chemical scientists
  • 2112 Biological scientists and biochemists
  • 2113 Physical scientists
  • 2114 Social and humanities scientists
  • 2119 Natural and social science professionals not elsewhere classified
  • 2150 Research and development managers
  • 2311 Higher education teaching professionals

International Sportsperson, T2 Sportsperson or Tier 2 (Sportsperson) visa

You must be paid £35,800 or more a year.

When working out your salary, you can only count earnings:

  • from your main job that you’re sponsored for
  • for up to 48 hours a week, if you’re paid hourly

T2 Minister of Religion or Tier 2 (Minister of Religion) visa

You must be paid at least the same as UK workers in the same role, and meet national minimum wage requirements.