
Independent school registration (Scotland)

You need to register with the Register of Independent Schools in Scotland to run an independent school

Apply for this licence

Start now

If you run an independent school your school must be registered with the Registrar of Independent Schools in Scotland.

To register as an independent school, you must apply to the Office of the Registrar of Independent Schools for registration using the electronic application form and provide the following information:

  • the name of the school
  • your proposed school’s address
  • nominated contact details
  • the type of school and its dates of operation
  • the maximum pupil numbers
  • the date from which the school is to be operational
  • proposed curriculum
  • health and safety information - including a Fire Risk Assessment
  • statement of aims
  • school prospectus
  • Child Protection Policy and Procedure
  • admissions policy

How to apply

You must undergo a pre-registration inspection by HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) whilst the school is not operational. This inspection will check that the proposed accommodation is fit for purpose, agree the maximum number of pupils and ensure that appropriate consideration has been given to the care and welfare of pupils.

Your application will be granted if you can show that:

  • efficient and suitable education will be provided
  • pupils’ welfare will be adequately safeguarded
  • you - or the proprietor - are fit to be the proprietor of the school
  • all teachers are adequately qualified to teach in a school
  • accommodation at the school is adequate and suitable for all pupils


Once registered you must:

  • Comply with any registration conditions that have been attached
  • Submit to a post-registration inspection by HMIE within nine months to ensure the quality of education, accommodation and the care and welfare of pupils. HMIE will publish a report which will include action points for the school. These will determine the timing of the next inspection.

You will then be subject to regular HMIE inspections to check you meet any requirements imposed.