Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)

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Inheriting an ISA from your spouse or civil partner

If your spouse or civil partner dies you can inherit their ISA allowance.

As well as your normal ISA allowance you can add a tax-free amount up to either:

  • the value they held in their ISA when they died
  • the value of their ISA when it’s closed

Contact your ISA provider or the provider of your spouse or civil partner’s ISA for details.

If your spouse or civil partner died from 3 December 2014 to 5 April 2018

Their ISA ended on the date of their death. ISA investments will form part of their estate for Inheritance Tax purposes.

Their ISA provider can be instructed to sell the investments and either:

  • pay the proceeds to the administrator or beneficiary of their estate
  • transfer the investments directly to them

You can inherit their ISA allowance. As well as your normal ISA allowance, you can add a tax-free amount up to the value they held in their ISA when they died.

Contact your ISA provider or the provider of your spouse or civil partner’s ISA for details.