Ukraine: Nexus for Durable Solutions Initiative
Closed: The FCDO invited proposals by 6 December 2024 to develop a nexus for durable solutions project in Ukraine, which addresses humanitarian livelihood needs and creates economic opportunities for development.
This call for proposals closed on 6 December 2024.
The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) has issued a call for proposals to develop a nexus for durable solutions project, addressing humanitarian livelihood needs whilst creating economic opportunities to support transitions towards development.
The FCDO previously held a market engagement event on 29 October 2024.
Durable solutions are understood here as developing programmes and instruments that increase overall resilience and enable a pathway from humanitarian support to durable economic autonomy.
This project will be funded through the FCDO’s Humanitarian and Economic Recovery programmes in Ukraine.
An agreement would be signed with the successful bidder for a budget of up to £60 million over 3 years (with possible time and cost extension). All funding figures and timelines are indicative, subject to programme approvals and future spending reviews.
What the fund will achieve
The primary objective of this project is to provide resilience support (farm and off-farm) in Ukraine to improve the food security and self-reliance of vulnerable, war-affected households and communities by protecting and restoring their food production and livelihoods.
The programme proposes building on this work and partners’ other relevant experience to conduct a market-system diagnostic, leading to the deployment of a pilot for a Durable Solutions’ Initiative. This aims to support the transition of the beneficiaries of humanitarian assistance to self-sufficiency, through access to finance and further development support, securing a pathway toward long-term economic independence.
The project will have 2 tracks:
- track 1 will meet the standards of a humanitarian intervention, providing livelihoods-support to contribute to food security, prevent dependency, reduce vulnerability, prevent decline and enhance self-reliance
- track 2 will explore – through a market systems diagnostic – avenues to transition towards more sustainable and locally-led modes of delivery to enhance resilience through economic opportunity. It will then draw on the diagnostic to design and deliver a pilot for a Durable Solutions’ Initiative, introducing private actors implementing market-based solutions which can help to prevent further poverty rises/vulnerability for the medium and longer term. This includes improving access to finance, which is a lever to secure a pathway toward economic independence
These activities aim to be market based, meaning that they can operate through new or existing local delivery channels, seeking to ensure sustainable solutions beyond donor interventions and minimal market distortion.
Learning from the pilots will be fed into the humanitarian Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster and the SME resilience alliance to inform and influence future practices. The project is envisioned to adapt to the circumstances within Ukraine, stepping up support on economic recovery or humanitarian activities across track 1 and track 2 as the situation requires.
Requirements for organisations wishing to apply
Applicants will need to demonstrate:
- experience working across the nexus spectrum as well as in Ukraine
- familiarity with FCDO’s use of grant for private sector principles and market systems development
- experience delivering a protection-focused approach to livelihoods. We expect applicants will be participants in the Food, Security and Livelihoods Cluster with a track record of Government of Ukraine engagement
We can only sign agreements for this funding opportunity with not-for-profit organisations. For-profit organisations may be involved further down the delivery chain. We welcome applications from consortiums, as long as they have a not-for-profit lead.
Full requirements are in the attached statement of requirements.
How to apply
Applications should be emailed to by 11:59pm UK time on 6 December 2024.
You can email questions about this call for proposals to up until 11:59pm UK time on 22 November 2024.
There will be no concept bidding round. Applicants should submit full proposals.
We will aim to make a final decision on the award of the grant by 14 February 2025.