Collision between 2 fire and rescue service boats with loss of 1 life
Location: River Cleddau, Milford Haven, Wales.
Accident Investigation Report 17/2020
Read our marine accident investigation report, which includes what happened, actions taken, and recommendations:

At about 1125 on 17 September 2019, two fire and rescue service boats were in collision while undertaking boat training and familiarisation on the River Cleddau near Milford Haven, Wales. The collision resulted in one of the firefighters who was taking part in the training sustaining fatal injuries.
The collision occurred because both boats were operating at speed and carrying out un-coordinated manoeuvres in the same stretch of the river. The manoeuvres resulted in the boats heading towards each other and the subsequent action taken by both boats to avoid a collision was unsuccessful.
Safety issues
- no-one was in overall charge of the training and familiarisation activities, so they were not properly managed, briefed or communicated between the crews of both boats
- the operation of the boats did not adhere to the requirements of the local standard operating procedures or risk assessments
- the standard operating procedures for all fire and rescue service boats in the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service were insufficient in content and contained incorrect information
- the Fire and Rescue Services in the United Kingdom did not operate boats to a common standard or code of practice when not employed on flood rescue duties
Statement from the Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents
A recommendation has been made to Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service to review the crewing and staff qualification requirements for its boats (2020/130), implement measures to maintain crew competency as boat helmsman (2020/131), and improve its auditing process to include its boat operations (2020/132).
The National Fire Chief’s Council has been recommended to adopt a nationwide standard of boat operations for all craft capable of being operated at sea by any fire and rescue service across the United Kingdom (2020/133).