Collision between sailing yacht Ile D Yeu and chemical tanker Dutch Progress with yacht sinking

Location: 4 miles east of Whitby, England.

Completed PE Summary: Ile D Yeu and Dutch Progress

A short summary of the accident:

Recreational Craft/Accident Details
Vessel name Ile D Yeu
Registered Owner Privately owned
Port of Registry Plymouth
Flag UK
Type Pleasure yacht
Built 1955
Construction Wood
Length Overall 13.28m
Gross Tonnage 15.08
Date/Time 06/02/2007, 2200 (UTC)
Location of Incident 4 miles east of Whitby
Incident Type Collision and sinking
Persons Onboard 3
Injuries/Fatalities None
Damage/Pollution Ship lost
Merchant Vessel/Accident Details
Vessel name Dutch Progress
Registered Owner and Manager Osyris BV
Port of Registry Dordrecht
Flag Netherlands
Type Chemical tanker
Built 1984
Classification Society Lloyds Register
Construction Steel
Length Overall 91.20m
Gross Tonnage 2137
Persons Onboard 11
Injuries/Fatalities None
Damage/Pollution None


At 2202UTC on 06 February 2006, a collision occurred between the chemical tanker Dutch Progress and the pleasure yacht Ile D Yeu 4 miles east of Whitby. Dutch Progress was on passage from the River Tees to Antwerp, Ile D Yeu was on passage from Bridlington to Whitby. The weather at the time of the collision was a northerly force 5 wind, an associated northerly swell, and good visibility outside of occasional snow showers.

The planned track of Dutch Progress required an alteration of course to starboard from 116º to 137º at a designated waypoint approximately 2 miles north east of Whitby. Prior to the alteration of course, the OOW onboard Dutch Progress observed the red sidelight and the masthead of the Ile D Yue 20º on the starboard bow, at an approximate range of 4 miles. The OOW was unable to acquire Ile D Yue on either the 3cm or the 10cm ARPA radar displays, but was content that the intended alteration of course would be sufficient to avoid a collision. No visual bearing had been taken, and no radar plot obtained, but the OOW anticipated a CPA of about 5 cables down the port side. Having completed the turn , the OOW on Dutch Progress attempted to acquire Ile D Yeu, now on the port bow and still showing a red sidelight.

The Ile D Yeu was in hand steering, heading into the northerly swell and yawing significantly. The passage plan consisted of a GPS waypoint, which corresponded to the Bell Buoy 1 mile north of Whitby, and the use of radar to remain 1.5 to 2 miles off the coast. With Whitby High Light almost abeam the skipper decided to start slowly heading toward the Bell Buoy, altering course to port from 320º to 300º. The skipper of Ile D Yeu had not observed Dutch Progress either visually or by radar.

The OOW on Dutch Progress was unable to locate Ile D Yeu on radar; he looked up and saw that her starboard sidelight was now visible and collision iminent. The skipper of Ile De Yeu had still not observed Dutch Progress, and only became aware of her presence when the orange hull appeared dead ahead and the OOW on Dutch Progress sounded the ships whistle. Insufficient avoiding action, and an inadequate lookout by both vessels resulted in a collision. The crew of Ile D Yue were rescued by the local lifeboat and the vessel susequently foundered approximately 2 miles north west of Whitby.

ARPA]: Automatic Radar Plotting Aid

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Published 23 January 2015