Fatal accident on board bulk carrier Berge Mawson with loss of 3 lives
Location: Bunyu Island anchorage, Indonesia.
Accident Investigation Report 5/2025
Read our marine accident investigation report, which includes what happened, subsequent actions taken and recommendations:

On the morning of 27 June 2022, three unconscious stevedores were found in a cargo hold access space on the Isle of Man registered bulk carrier Berge Mawson at Bunyu Island Anchorage, Indonesia. Despite prompt medical attention all three men died. Berge Mawson was loading coal from barges using a floating crane. During a pause in loading due to heavy rain, all hatches were closed. After the rain stopped, a stevedore attempted to access a bulldozer in cargo hold No.7 but mistakenly entered the access space of cargo hold No.8 and was overcome. Two other stevedores collapsed while attempting to rescue him as crew collected rescue equipment.
Safety issues
the three stevedores died because the access space had an oxygen depleted atmosphere that could not sustain human life
access hatches into cargo spaces were not locked when not in use
the stevedores had not been trained on safe cargo work on board bulk carriers or on the dangers of enclosed spaces
Statement from the Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents
A recommendation has been made to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency to review and revise the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers to ensure that emergency drill scenarios for enclosed space rescues include the possible presence of shoreside staff or third parties. Recommendations have also been made to Bunyu Port Organizing Unit, PT Bintang Kartika Segara and PT Tanjung Mas to follow the guidelines set out in the IMSBC Code, BLU Code and BLU Manual to provide stevedores with training and PPE to enable them to work safely on board bulk carriers. A recommendation has been made to Berge Bulk Maritime Pte. Ltd maintain clear and precise guidance for masters and ships’ crews on cargo operations and ensure that specific duties for shore personnel are considered and the control of access is robustly applied. Recommendations have been made to Intercargo, InterManager and RightShip to develop a minimum operational safety standard for stevedores conducting cargo operations on board their members’ vessels to include and encourage their members to introduce the minimum operational safety standard for stevedores.
Related publications
International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code
The Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers (BLU Code) and BLU manual
The Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers
International Maritime Organization Resolution A.1050(27)
Photgraph Credit
Photograph of Berge Mawson courtesy of Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi.