Grounding of general cargo vessel Baltic Arrow

Location: River Nene, Wisbech, England.

Completed preliminary assessment (PA) summary 5/24: Baltic Arrow


At 0848 on 25 June 2024, the St Kitts and Nevis registered general cargo vessel Baltic Arrow ran aground (Figure 1) near New Dyke Farm on the River Nene while enroute to Wisbech, England. There was no damage or pollution and no one was injured.

Baltic Arrow Figure 1

Baltic Arrow set sail from Riga, Latvia at 2330 on 19 June 2024, carrying a cargo of timber. At 1130 on 24 June, the vessel anchored at the Wisbech anchorage off the east coast of England. At 0540 the following day, Baltic Arrow weighed anchor and proceeded to the pilot station, where two pilots boarded at 0700. The master and the two pilots completed a brief master/pilot exchange before pilot A, who was under assessment by the senior pilot (pilot B), took the helm. The master and pilot B remained on the bridge but, aside from monitoring the passage, did not have specific roles within the bridge team.

At 0814, Baltic Arrow passed the Cross Keys swing bridge (Figure 2), and pilot A began to reduce the vessel’s speed in preparation for the berthing manoeuvre. At 0847, pilot A noticed that the vessel was slightly to port of the planned track. Pilot A applied 30° starboard helm and ‘kicked’ the main engine ahead to correct the vessel’s position in the narrow channel. Baltic Arrow’s bow quickly swung to starboard. At 0848, before the bridge team could take effective avoiding action, the vessel’s bows grounded on the western bank of the river at a speed over the ground of 6 knots. Baltic Arrow’s stern was then pushed onto the eastern bank by the flood tide, wedging the vessel across the river.

Baltic Arrow Figure 2

Initial unsuccessful attempts to free the vessel were unsuccessful, and Baltic Arrow was eventually refloated with tug assistance on the evening flood tide at 2150.

The MAIB’s preliminary assessment identified that:

  • Baltic Arrow probably experienced some bank effect, which pilot A attempted to counter with the starboard helm and kick ahead on the main engine. Pilot A did not realise that they had over-corrected the vessel’s heading until it was too late to avoid the grounding

  • Pilot A had been helming the vessel for nearly 2 hours at the time of the accident. It is therefore possible that the requirement to sustain a high level of attention to complete the pilotage safely within the confined channel resulted in a lapse of concentration

  • The bridge team were communicating ineffectively, and lacked a shared mental model of the task being undertaken. This meant that no one recognised the developing situation in sufficient time to prevent the grounding

  • Insufficient action had been taken to prevent the reoccurrence of an incident on the River Nene following the February 2023 grounding of Baltic Arrow’s sister vessel, Baltic Express

Actions taken

The Wisbech Harbour Authority has:

  • commissioned and received an independent report into the grounding;

  • completed a survey of the river channel;

  • started simulator training of its pilots;

  • started a review of vessel suitability for transits to and from the Port of Wisbech; and

  • completed a review of the risk assessment for a grounding incident, including consideration of the benefits of requiring an escort tug.

Galleywood Shipping (Baltic Arrow) Limited has:

  • considered the introduction of an additional bridge watchkeeper; and

  • reviewed Baltic Arrow’s rudder capabilities.

Ship particulars
Vessel’s name Baltic Arrow
Flag St Kitts and Nevis
Classification society Lloyd’s Register
IMO number 9521409
Type General cargo
Registered owner Galleywood Shipping (Baltic Arrow) Limited
Manager Klip Marine Shipmanagement Ltd
Operator Klip Marine Shipmanagement Ltd
Construction Steel
Year of build 2002
Length overall 79.98m
Registered length Not applicable
Gross tonnage 1,978
Minimum safe manning 6
Authorised cargo General cargo
Voyage particulars
Port of departure Riga, Latvia
Port of arrival Wisbech, England
Type of voyage International
Cargo information Packed timber
Manning 6
Marine casualty information
Date and time 25 June 2024 at 0848
Type of marine casualty or incident Serious Marine Casualty
Location of incident Near New Dyke Farm, River Nene, Wisbech, England
Place on board Hull
Injuries/fatalities None
Damage/environmental impact None
Ship operation Under pilotage
Voyage segment Arrival
External and internal environment Clear sky with light winds; calm waters; good visibility.
Persons on board 6

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Published 24 September 2024