Man overboard from creel fishing vessel Varuna with loss of 1 life
Location: west of Camusterrach on the north-west coast of Scotland.
Accident Investigation Report 13/2018
Investigation report into marine accident including what happened and safety lessons learned:

At about 1415 on 20 November 2017, the single-handed creel boat Varuna was found aground and unmanned on Eilean nan Naomh, a small island west of Camusterrach on the north west coast of Scotland. Despite an extensive sea, land and air search the owner was not found until 3 weeks after the accident when his body washed ashore in Staffin Bay on the Isle of Skye.
Safety lessons
the owner did not use the slot-in transom door following shooting, or wear a safety tether on deck therefore the chances of falling through the shooting gate were significantly increased
the owner was not wearing a PFD or lifejacket
the owner did not carry a PLB therefore he had no means of alerting anyone once he had fallen overboard
In view of recent and proposed changes to legislation, no recommendations are made in this report.
Related publication
A safety flyer to the fishing industry highlighting a number of the safety lessons was produced for this report.