Mooring deck accident on bulk carrier Mona Manx with loss of 1 life
Location: Puerto Ventanas, Chile.
Accident Investigation Report 18/2024
Read our marine accident investigation report, which includes what happened, subsequent actions taken and recommendations:

On 26 August 2021, the second officer (2/O) of the Isle of Man registered bulk carrier Mona Manx was fatally injured when he was struck by a recoiling mooring line while the vessel was berthing at Puerto Ventanas, Chile. The line had become entrapped between the vessel and the berth, probably in way of a fender, then suddenly released as the vessel manoeuvred astern under its own power.
Safety issues
the 2/O moved to the danger zone to obtain a better view of the mooring line as the vessel manoeuvred astern
he use of the vessel’s engines to manoeuvre along the berth was in contravention of the port’s procedures
the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers (COSWP) did not address the hazards of line entrapment or vertical recoil
the master/pilot exchange (MPX) completed before the operation did not include all available information
the crew had not been briefed on the manoeuvre and the hazards associated with mooring line recoil were not mitigated
radio congestion may have reduced the crew’s ability to safely conduct the operation
The port company, Puerto Ventanas S.A, is recommended (2024/167) to review and update the information made available to masters and pilots before a port call, including instructions that engines are not to be used to conduct manoeuvres while moored alongside and guidance on the risks associated with line entrapment on shore fixtures and fittings, such as fenders.
The Quintero Port Authority is recommended (2024/168) to ensure that the master/pilot exchanges conducted by its pilots consider the risks associated with mooring line entrapment and recoil and vessels manoeuvring alongside using their engines.
Related MAIB publications
Retainer - MAIB preliminary examination 2007
Related industry publications
The Code of Safe Working Practice for Merchant Seafarers
The Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) publication Effective Mooring
Photograph credit
Image courtesy of Isle of Man Ship Registry.