Wash from high speed passenger ferry Stena Discovery swamping angling boat Purdy with loss of 1 life

Location: Shipwash Bank, off Harwich, England.

Accident Investigation Report 17/2000

Investigation report into marine accident including what happened, safety lessons and recommendations made:

purdy.pdf (1,641.03 kb)


On 17 July 1999 the 10 metre angling boat Purdy, with two people on board, was preparing to anchor and start fishing at Shipwash Bank, off Harwich, England. Wash from passing high speed ferry Stena Discovery caused a large wave to crash over Purdy’s bow swamping the vessel and washing one person overboard. Despite attempts to recover him, the casualty disappeared from view. His body was recovered 12 days later.

Published: 14 July 2000

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Published 23 January 2015