Fire test procedures for adhesives: UK21/F011

Adopted EU recommendation FIRE-036. UK approved recommendation on the fire test procedures for adhesives used in the construction of B class specimens.


The International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures, 2010 (FTP Code 2010), Annex 1, Part 3, paragraphs, 3.2, and 4.2 specify that adhesives shall have low flame-spread characteristics.

Question 1

Shall the laboratory conducting a B class test also carry out the LFS test for those adhesives used in the construction of the B Class specimen, or is the review of the relevant documentation sufficient?

Question 2

In case the review of the documentation mentioned in question 1 would suffice, what kind of evaluations on this documentation is needed?


Recommendation 1

When carrying out a test on a B class division where adhesives are used, the testing laboratory need not to carrying out the LFS test for those adhesives. Compliance with the FTP Code of the adhesives shall be verified by checking the relevant documentation (test report and/or Module B Certificate).

Recommendation 2

The certificate or test report shall be valid for: * a maximum amount of adhesive per m2 equal to or larger than used for the specimen * the standard substrate for adhesives, refer to FTP Code 2010, Annex 1, Part 5, chapter 4.5.


Items affected

  • UK/ 3.11, ‘A’ & ‘B’ Class divisions fire integrity

More information

Maritime and Coastguard Agency
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SO15 1EG

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Published 19 July 2023