Paying HMRC


  • Sign in or set up a personal or business tax account, Self Assessment, Corporation Tax, PAYE for employers, VAT and other services.

  • Payment options for your Self Assessment tax bill - Direct Debit, bank transfer, through your tax code, debit or credit card, cheque and pay weekly or monthly

  • What to do if you need to pay more tax or you're due a refund, including P800 tax calculations from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

  • How to pay PAYE and National Insurance for employers, including Construction Industry Scheme, student loan deductions, reference numbers, bank details, deadlines and payment booklets.

  • How to pay Corporation Tax: payment reference number, online, Bacs or CHAPS, Direct Debit, cheque or at your bank.

Guidance and regulation

Research and statistics

Policy papers and consultations

Transparency and freedom of information releases