Motorcycle trainer standards check

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What happens at the standards check

The check will take place at your motorcycle training body.

A Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) examiner will watch you train a group of pupils in a normal compulsory basic training (CBT) lesson.

The lesson must include practical riding - elements C or E of the CBT syllabus, or both of them.

The lesson can also include theoretical training and a pre-ride briefing - elements A, B or D, or any combination of them.

What you need to bring to the check

For the check you need:

  • your motorcycle instructor registration certificate
  • a motorcycle that you can ride on roads, for example it must have up-to-date vehicle tax and an MOT certificate
  • at least 2 pupils riding motorcycles or mopeds
  • 2-way radio equipment for you and each pupil

Your mentor and training body authority holder cannot take part in the lesson.

If you cannot train 2 or more pupils

You’ll fail the standards check if you do not train 2 or more pupils as part of your standards check.

You can only train one pupil if your CBT lesson records show that you regularly train one pupil as part of your normal lesson structure.

What you’ll be marked on

The examiner will look for evidence that you meet the national standard for driver and rider training.

They’ll follow guidance for carrying out the check and mark you on 17 areas of competence that are grouped into 3 categories:

  • lesson planning
  • risk management
  • teaching and learning skills

The 17 areas of competence are listed in the motorcycle trainer standards check form, which the examiner will fill in during your check.

You’ll get a score from 0 to 3 for each of the 17 competencies, which are added up to give a total score.