NHS bursaries

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Extra financial help

In addition to the NHS bursary you may also be able to apply for extra help if:

  • you have children
  • you have adult dependants
  • you have a disability, long-term health condition, mental health condition or specific learning difficulty
  • you do a practice placement
  • your course runs for more than 30 weeks and 3 days in the academic year

You may also be able to get extra help from the NHS bursary hardship grant.

Dependants’ Allowance

You may get this if you have adults or children who are financially dependent on you when you’re training.

How much you get depends on your household income.

Apply for Dependants’ Allowance through your NHS bursary account.

Childcare Allowance

You must apply for Dependants’ Allowance before you can apply for Childcare Allowance.

You may be able to get the NHS Bursary Childcare Allowance if you have dependent children.

How much you get depends on your circumstances and your household income.

You cannot get this if you’re not entitled to the NHS bursary (known as a ‘Fees Only award’).

To qualify:

  • you must use a registered childcare provider
  • your children must be under 15 on the first day of the academic year (or under 17 if they have special educational needs)

The allowance pays 85% of the gross actual cost up to:

  • £128.78 a week for 1 child
  • £191.45 a week for 2 or more children

Apply for Childcare Allowance using the form on the NHS Student Bursaries website.

Parent Learning Allowance

You must apply for Dependants’ Allowance first. If this includes a dependent child, you’re automatically assessed for Parent Learning Allowance.

You can claim up to £1,915 per academic year.

How much you get depends on your household income.

Disabled Students’ Allowance

You can get this if you have to pay extra costs because of a:

  • physical disability
  • long-term health condition
  • mental-health difficulty
  • specific learning difficulty like dyslexia

You need to give up-to-date medical evidence of the nature and severity of your disability from a qualified professional.

You can get up to:

  • £20,725 for a helper
  • £5,214 for specialist equipment for the whole course
  • £1,741 for other costs

Apply for Disabled Students’ Allowance through your NHS bursary account.

Travel and dual accommodation expenses

Travel and dual accommodation expenses used to be called practice placement expenses.

If you do a practice placement you may be able to claim travel costs if:

  • your practice placement is in a hospital or community health centre and not at your university

  • it costs you more to travel to your placement than it costs to travel to university

Claim travel and dual accommodation expenses using the form on the NHS Student Bursaries website.

Extra Weeks Allowance

If your course runs for more than 30 weeks and 3 days in the 2023 to 2024 academic year you may be entitled to Extra Weeks Allowance:

Where you study and live Allowance
In London £138 per week
Outside London £107 per additional week
With your parents £71 per additional week

Your Extra Weeks Allowance is calculated automatically during the application process.