This manual includes information about Open Policy Making as well as the tools and techniques policy makers can use to create more open and user led policy.
This section introduces design, digital, data and Open Policy Making and tells you when to use this toolkit.
This section includes tools to help you understand a policy problem or policy area and the challenge facing you.
This section helps you to understand users and their needs and begin to diagnose the policy problems and challenges that you need to fix.
This section shows how to translate user needs into policy and services and how you to work collaboratively with users and specialists
This section includes tools to help you move from low fidelity ideas to policies and services that can be delivered to users
These cheap tools can help make policy more open.
This section is a step by step guide for running a workshop in 24 hours. It includes the tools and techniques needed to run through diagnosis, discovery and idea generation.
Tools for sensitive or unannounced policy areas.
List of all the tools and techniques in the toolkit.