Party walls and building work

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Reaching an agreement with your neighbours

Once you’ve given notice your neighbour can:

  • give consent in writing
  • refuse consent, which will start the dispute resolution process
  • serve a counter notice requesting additional works be done at the same time (they’ll have to pay for these if they benefit from the works)

Your neighbour must let you know in writing within 14 days if they consent to your notice, and you must do the same with any counter notice. A counter notice must be served within a month of the first notice.

Find examples of counter notice letters in the party wall booklet.

Your neighbours need to respond to the notice. You can’t assume that no response means they agree to the works.

The dispute resolution process will also start if they don’t respond to your notice within the given time.

Who pays for the work

You need to pay for any building works that you start on a party wall.

Your neighbour may have to meet a share of the cost if the work needs to be done because of defects or lack of repair. They will also need to pay if they ask for additional works to be done that will benefit them.

An appointed surveyor will set out who pays what if you can’t agree.