Pay or challenge a fixed penalty notice for an environmental offence
You can get a penalty for committing an environmental offence, for example:
- littering (including food waste, cigarette butts or chewing gum)
- not cleaning up after your dog
- putting up posters without permission (‘fly-posting’)
- graffiti
Getting a fixed penalty notice
You’ll get a ‘fixed penalty notice’ from a local council or another authority, for example, a national park. This will say which offence you’ve committed and the amount of the penalty you may be liable for.
You’ll usually get the notice on the spot. In some cases you will get it by post after you committed the offence.
Challenging a fixed penalty notice
If you do not agree that you committed the offence listed on the notice, you might be able to challenge the fixed penalty notice. Check with the authority that gave you the notice for information on whether you can challenge fixed penalties - their details will be on the notice.
If you’re able to challenge the fixed penalty, you’ll need to provide evidence to the authority that sent you the fixed penalty notice to show why you should not receive the penalty.
Challenging a fixed penalty notice in court
If you cannot challenge the fixed penalty or your challenge is rejected, you can choose not to pay the penalty and defend your case in court. If you are found guilty, you might have to pay more.
Paying the penalty
You usually have to pay the penalty within 14 days. Follow the instructions on your notice.
You might be prosecuted and have to pay more if you do not pay your penalty on time.