Private (personalised) number plates
Buy a private number
Buy from DVLA
You can buy new numbers from DVLA Personalised Registrations.
Buying at DVLA auctions
DVLA holds 9 auctions a year. They are held online and run for 7 days.
Visit DVLA auctions to:
- check the dates of upcoming auctions
- register as a bidder
- see what plates are for sale
You’ll get a V750 certificate of entitlement once you’ve paid for the private (personalised) number. This is to prove that you have the right to put the number on a vehicle.
Buying from a private dealer or person
You can buy a private number from a dealer or from another person.
Most dealers will transfer the number to your vehicle for you. If you want to keep or assign the number yourself, ask the dealer if you can have the V750 or V778.