Planning permission
If your application is refused, try to come to an agreement with the local planning authority (LPA) by adjusting your plans.
If you cannot reach an agreement, you can appeal.
Appeals can take several months to be decided.
What you can appeal against
You can only appeal against a decision if the LPA:
- refuses your application
- grants permission but with conditions you object to
- refuses to change or remove a condition of planning permission that has been granted with conditions
- refuses to approve something reserved under an ‘outline permission’ – planning permission for a general idea, not of a specific plan
- refuses to approve something that you were told to build by your LPA as part of a previous planning permission – the current development was one of the ‘conditions’ stated in the previous planning permission
- does not make a decision on the application within the deadline and does not get your written consent to change the deadline
- serves you with an enforcement notice because it thinks you have broken planning permission and you do not agree
Read the guidance on the appeals process.