
Register as a bird keeper

You must register within one month of keeping poultry or other captive birds at any premises in England or Wales.

Registering helps prevent the spread of disease and protect all captive birds, including back yard flocks. You’re breaking the law if you don’t register.

How you register depends on whether you keep:

  • less than 50 birds
  • 50 or more birds

If you keep certain birds of prey, you must also register them individually.

If you keep racing pigeons, you must register your racing pigeon establishment if you want to move racing pigeons from your establishment to the EU or Northern Ireland for immediate release for racing back to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales).

If you keep birds in Scotland, register on the Scottish Kept Birds Register.

Keepers of less than 50 poultry or other captive birds

Keepers of 50 or more poultry or other captive birds

Captive birds of prey

Racing pigeon establishments

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Published 26 November 2024