Private renting for tenants: tenancy agreements

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What should be in a tenancy agreement

A tenancy agreement should include:

  • the names of all people involved
  • the rental price and how it’s paid
  • information on how and when the rent will be reviewed
  • the deposit amount and how it will be protected
  • details of when the deposit can be fully or partly withheld (for example to repair damage you’ve caused)
  • the property address
  • the start and end date of the tenancy
  • any tenant or landlord obligations
  • an outline of bills you’re responsible for

It can also include information on:

  • whether the tenancy can be ended early and how this can be done
  • who’s responsible for minor repairs (other than those that the landlord is legally responsible for)
  • whether the property can be let to someone else (sublet) or have lodgers

The terms of the tenancy must be fair and comply with the law.

Preventing discrimination

Your tenancy agreement cannot have anything in it that may discriminate against you because of a ‘protected characteristic’, like disability.

If your tenancy agreement does discriminate against you, your landlord cannot refuse to change it unless they have a very strong reason.


You might need a guide dog in the house but a term in the tenancy agreement says no pets are allowed. Your landlord must change the terms to allow guide dogs in the property, unless they have a very strong reason not to (if another tenant in the property has a serious allergy to dogs, for example).

Changes to tenancy agreements

Both you and your landlord must agree to any changes to the terms of the tenancy agreement.

Get advice on your tenancy agreement

Get legal advice before signing an agreement if you’re unsure of any terms. Once you’re happy with it, sign the agreement and get a copy of it.

Citizens Advice has a guide on tenancy agreements.