Product Recall: Beehive Pirate Magnetic Fishing Game sold via Etsy, Amazon and eBay (2205-0354)

Product recall for Beehive Pirate Magnetic Fishing Game presenting a high risk of choking due to the easy production of small parts.


Product: Beehive Pirate Magnetic Fishing Game sold via Etsy, Amazon and eBay.

Hazard: The product presents a high risk of choking due to the easy production of small parts.

Corrective action: The product has been recalled from end users by Beehive. The listing has been removed by the online marketplaces (Etsy, Amazon and eBay).

Product information

Type Toys - Magnetic Fishing Toy
Etsy ID 1096831906
Listing Name Beehive Toys Pirate Fishing Game Educational Creative Toy To Develop Babies and Toddlers Fine Motor Skills and Coordination
Country of Origin China
Product Description A coloured printed jigsaw base, accompanied by a 4 section wooden book with 12 wooden fish having metal studs. The item has 2 wooden rods with a cord and magnetic attachment.
Product Report Link to Product Image and PDF


The product presents a risk of choking as parts of the product can detach at low torque, producing a small part. The small part may be placed in the mouth and swallowed, causing a young child to choke.

The product does not meet the requirements of the Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011.

Corrective action

The product has been recalled from end users by Beehive.

The listings have been removed by the online marketplaces (Etsy, Amazon and eBay).

Additional information

PSD case number: 2205-0354

Notified by: Office for Product Safety and Standards

Updates to this page

Published 18 January 2023