Product Safety Report: Bentley Continental Supersport Toy Car (2502-0073)
Product Safety Report for Bentley Continental Supersport Toy Car presenting a serious health risk.
Product: Bentley Continental Supersport Toy Car
Hazard: The product presents a serious health risk as testing revealed the product contains Ni-Cd batteries, which are banned in toys due to being carcinogenic.
Corrective action: The import has been rejected at the border.
Product information
Type | Toys - Radio-controlled toy car |
Other product identifiers | 2048 |
Country of Origin | China |
Product Description | Radio-controlled Bentley continental supercar in white. |
Product Report and Image |
The product presents a serious health risk as testing revealed the product contains Ni-Cd batteries, which are banned in toys due to being carcinogenic.
The product does not meet the requirements of the Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011.
Corrective action
The import has been rejected at the border.
Additional information
PSD notification number: 2502-0073
Notified by: Local Authority Trading Standards