Product Safety Report: FB FunkyBuys Children’s Storage Box (Dinosaur/Superhero/Blue Dinosaur/Princess) (2107-0072)
Product Safety Report for Children's Storage Box presenting a high risk of asphyxiation and fire.
Product: FB FunkyBuys Children’s Storage Box Dinosaur/Super Hero/Princess/Blue Dinosaur
Hazard: The product poses a high risk of asphyxiation as there are no ventilation holes. The product also poses a risk of fire as the lid and foam padding are highly flammable materials which will readily catch fire after brief contact with a source of ignition.
Corrective action: Destruction of the product at the border
Product information
Type | Toys – Storage Box |
Brand | FB Funky Buys |
Batch numbers | SI-TY119 (Dinosaur), SI-TY1120 (Superhero), SI-TY1121 (Blue Dinosaur), SI-TY1024 (Princess) |
Country of Origin | China |
Product description | Foldable storage box / child’s seat (Ottoman) 60 x 30 x 35cm with MDF sides covered by printed polypropylene plastic material and padded, foamfilled lid. |
Product Report and Image |
The product poses a high risk of asphyxiation as there are no ventilation holes. Any toy having a door, lid or similar device which encloses a continuous volume greater than 0.03m² and which all internal dimensions are 150mm or more, should provide at least 2 unobstructed ventilation holes, each 650mm² or more, situated at least 150mm apart. As the product does not have any ventilation holes, a child can be completely enclosed causing an asphyxiation hazard.
The plastic sheeting the product is packaged in can also pose a suffocation risk as when measured it was found to have an average thickness 0.027mm, which is below the 0.038mm required. The product also poses a risk of fire as the lid and foam padding are highly flammable materials which will readily catch fire after brief contact with a source of ignition.
The product does not meet the requirements of the Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011
Corrective action
Destruction of the product at the border.
Additional information
PSD case number: 2107-0072
Notified by: Local Authority Trading Standards