Product Safety Report: Sobebear Toy Mobile Phone (2111-0298)

Product safety report for Sobebear toy mobile phone sold via PatPat presenting a risk of choking due to the presence of small parts.


Product: Toy Sobebear-branded Mobile Phone sold via PatPat

Hazard: The product presents a risk of choking as it consists of small parts that fit into a small parts cylinder.

Corrective action: The listing has been removed by the online marketplace - PatPat. We recommend owners stop using this product immediately. Contact the distributor you purchased from to request redress.

Product information

Type Toys – Musical phone
Brand Sobebear
Product description A blue toy imitation phone with a white and red sticker of a bear and printed brand “Sobebear”. The toy has a removable clear plastic back and a small strip of fabric with velcro on ends is included, which is not attached to the toy
Product Report and Image Link to product image and PDF


The product has been identified as presenting a medium risk of choking as it consists of small parts that fit into a small parts cylinder. Young infants playing with the toy may put the toy in their mouth, and if the parents may not notice on time the child may swallow the small part which can block their airways.

The product does not meet the requirements of the Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011.

Corrective action

The listing has been removed by the online marketplace - PatPat.

We recommend owners stop using this product immediately. Contact the distributor you purchased from to request redress.

Additional information

PSD case number: 2111-0298

Notified by: Office for Product Safety and Standards

Updates to this page

Published 6 June 2022