Product Safety Report: Tumama Black & White Vision Plush Set sold via Amazon (2309-0104)

Product Safety Report for Tumama Black & White Vision Plush Set sold via Amazon presenting a serious choking risk.


Product: Tumama Black & White Vision Plush Set sold via Amazon

Hazard: The product presents a serious choking risk as the book ring could be unclipped, which fits wholly through a small parts cylinder. This presents a choking hazard to a child younger than the age of 36 months

Corrective action: The import has been rejected at the border. The listing has been removed by the online marketplace (Amazon).

Product information

Type Toys – Plush Toy
Amazon carton identifiers X0018VV9KX, FBA15H308CLPU000007, SKU: 11460
Country of Origin China
Product Description Black, white, and orange plush toys to hang from baby cot
Product Report and Image Link to Product Image and PDF


The product presents a serious risk of choking as when tested in accordance with the geometric shape of certain toys, the connecting ring on the book protruded past the base of the template. To a child who cannot sit up unaided, the component poses a potential risk of asphyxiation/impaction through internal airway obstruction. It was also noted that the ring could be unclipped, and in this case, it fitted wholly through a small parts cylinder which presents a choking hazard to a child younger than the age of 36 months.

The product does not meet the requirements of the Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011.

Corrective action

The import has been rejected at the border.

The listing has been removed by the online marketplace (Amazon).

Additional information

PSD case number: 2309-0104

Notified by: Local Authority Trading Standards.

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Published 26 October 2023