Product Safety Report: White and Gold Air Fryer (2410-0115)
Product Safety Report for White and Gold Air Fryer presenting a serious risk of fire.
Product: White and Gold Air Fryer
Hazard: The product presents a serious risk of fire as it is inadequately earthed.
Corrective action: The import has been rejected at the border and destroyed. The listing has been removed by the online marketplace (eBay).
Product information
Type | Electrical appliances and equipment - Air Fryer |
Model | No. 288 |
SKU | M010000000004793169 |
Other identifier | B0400000001200045036 |
Country of Origin | China |
Product Description | A white air fryer with rose gold handle and one pull out drawer. |
Product Report and Image |
The product presents a serious risk of fire as the fuse within the plug does not contain granular filler. The filler is required to ensure the safe operation of the fuse under fault conditions, and its absence could lead to the plug overheating and/or exploding. Some of the required documentation and markings were not present.
The product does not meet the requirements of the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016 or the Plugs & Sockets etc. (Safety) Regulations 1994.
Corrective action
The import has been rejected at the border and destroyed. The listing has been removed by the online marketplace (eBay).
Additional information
PSD number: 2410-0115
Notified by: Local Authority Trading Standards