
Traditional term for wine


Traditional term used to describe still rosé wine, with predominant fruit flavours and produced exclusively from red grapes. Wines described with the traditional term ‘Opolo’ have a minimum actual alcohol content of 11 % vol. The color of ‘Opolo’ wines may vary from light to intense pink. The traditional term ‘Opolo’ can be used to describe wines with the protected designations of origin ‘Primorska Hrvatska’, ‘Hrvatska Istra’, ‘Hrvatsko primorje’, ‘Sjeverna Dalmacija’, ‘Dalmatinska zagora’ and ‘Srednja i Južna Dalmacija’ that meet the requirements for the use of this traditional term.


Member State or Third Country law: Ordinance on protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications, traditional terms and labelling of wine; OJ No 141/2010, 31/2011, 78/2011 and 120/2012 European Union Law: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1718

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Published 4 January 2021