Prove your right to work to an employer

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You’ll need to prove your right to work in the UK to your employer before you start working for them.

How you do this depends on your nationality and what kind of permission you have to work in the UK.

If you’re a British or Irish citizen

If you’re a British or Irish citizen, you can prove your right to work in the UK with either of the following:

  • a British passport

  • an Irish passport or passport card

Your passport or passport card can be current or expired.

If you do not have a passport or passport card, you can prove your right to work with one of the following:

  • a UK birth or adoption certificate

  • an Irish birth or adoption certificate

  • a certificate of registration or naturalisation as a British citizen

You must also give your employer an official letter or document from a previous employer or a government agency.

For example, you could use a letter from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) or the Social Security Agency in Northern Ireland.

The letter must show your name and National Insurance number.

If you have a passport or passport card, you may be able to use an online identity service provider (IDSP) to prove your right to work. Ask your employer if they offer this.

If you’re not a British or Irish citizen

If you’re not a British or Irish citizen, you can prove your right to work with:

You can choose which option you use. Your employer cannot reject your application because you gave them an eligible immigration document instead of a share code, for example.

If you cannot prove your right to work

If you’re not a British or Irish citizen, your employer can check if you can work with the employer checking service.

If you’re a Commonwealth citizen, you may be able to get documents to show that you can work in the UK through the Windrush Scheme.