Appoint the Public Trustee as executor of your estate

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Appoint the Public Trustee

You can appoint the Public Trustee as the executor of your estate to deal with your property and money after you die if:

  • there’s no suitable person who’s willing and able to act as executor at that time, eg someone who’s over 18, isn’t bankrupt and doesn’t have a criminal conviction
  • the person who will benefit from the will is vulnerable, eg a child or adult whose mental disability means they can’t manage their own finances and property

The Public Trustee can do most things that any other executor can do, such as apply for probate.

The Public Trustee can’t be your executor if:

  • executing your estate involves managing a business
  • your estate is insolvent, eg the debts are more than the assets

Name the Public Trustee in your will

Name the Public Trustee as executor when you write your will. Send a copy of the will and a letter explaining your situation to the Public Trustee.

They’ll decide whether to accept the appointment after you die.

The Public Trustee
Post Point 0.53
102 Petty France

Contact the Public Trustee

Contact the Public Trustee if you need help.

The Public Trustee
Telephone: 020 3681 2759
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
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