Humanitarian Response Funding: guidelines for NGOs
These guidelines apply to bilateral funding to NGOs for humanitarian emergency responses and to new grants and modifications of existing grants.
FCDO has revised its ‘Humanitarian Response Funding Guidelines for NGOs’ with updated requirements and amended procedures to match best practice. These guidelines replace:
- any previous editions of FCDOs Humanitarian Response Funding Guidelines for NGOs, including their templates and annexes
- the ‘Rapid Response Facility (RRF) pre-qualified accountability guidance’
- any previous Rapid Response Facility (RRF) guidance
These guidelines apply to bilateral funding to NGOs for humanitarian emergency responses and apply to new grants as well as modifications of existing grants. NGOs applying for humanitarian response funding should comply with this guidance and meet internationally accepted standards and good practice.
Applying for funding
Following a rapid onset, conflict or sudden spike in a chronic emergency the UK can provide funding to partners to respond. In rapid onset humanitarian emergencies or conflicts, FCDO’s immediate funding is likely to be through the multilateral system or to RRF partners. This guidance applies to all methods of bilateral funding for NGOs.
Our decision-making process
A range of factors are considered to inform decisions on humanitarian engagement, including the:
- estimated humanitarian impact of the events
- capacity of the affected country
- reaction of other donors
- UK perspectives and considerations
- assessment of a non-prescriptive framework with a clear set of criteria
Funding decisions are informed by our response strategy for the specific humanitarian emergency, which outlines our focus areas and sectors. All partners are strongly advised to ensure any proposal fits into this strategy. We will continue to assess and analyse humanitarian need throughout a response and the strategy may be updated.
Current RRF partners
RRF partners are: Action Against Hunger, ActionAid, British Red Cross, CAFOD, Care International, Christian Aid, Concern, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Deutsche Welthungerhilfe, Doctors of the World UK, GOAL, Habitat for Humanity, HALO, Humanity and Inclusion, HelpAge International, International Health Partners, International Medical Corps, International Rescue Committee, Islamic Relief Worldwide, MapAction, Medair, Mercy Corps Scotland, Mine Advisory Group, Mission Aviation Fellowship International, MuslimAid, Norwegian Refugee Council, Oxfam GB, Plan UK, Premiere Urgence Internationale, Relief International, Save the Children UK, Solidarites, Tearfund, World Vision, BBC Media Action, Internews Europe.
Related documents
Updates to this page
Revised version of guidelines added
Intervention criteria for humanitarian response in sudden onset contexts: Guidance framework (withdrawn)
Annexes A through to F replaced
The following attachments have been revised: Proposal template, Budget template and Reporting template.
Revised budget template added
Activation criteria for the Rapid Response Facility document added
related documents updated
Page updated to notify application window for the RRF is closed.
Updated as a call for applications for NGOs to pre-qualify for the RRF is now open until midday on Monday 20 February 2017.
Updated intervention criteria guidance document
Intervention criteria for humanitarian response in sudden onset contexts: Guidance framework added
First published.