Register as a community amateur sports club (CASC)

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Register as a community amateur sports club (CASC) by filling in form CASC (A1) if your CASC is eligible.

You cannot withdraw an application once it’s been made.

What you need to complete the form

You must be the club’s ‘authorised official’ or ‘responsible person’ to fill in the form. You’ll also need:

  • details of at least 2 other officials, including National Insurance and telephone numbers
  • the name and address of the club
  • a correspondence address, if that’s different
  • the number of members or subscriptions
  • company or VAT references, if applicable
  • details of a nominee or agent, if the club has one
  • the club’s bank details
  • details of the club’s income

Within 30 days of applying, you must send copies of the club’s:

  • accounts from the last 12 months
  • bank statements from the last 3 months
  • rules or articles of association

You must include a translation of any documents not in English.

Send them to the address on the form.

How long the application takes

You should get a response within 3 weeks.

If your application is refused

HMRC will explain the reasons and what you need to change.

You can appeal in writing to HMRC within 30 days of their decision if you think it’s wrong.

If you’re not satisfied with the outcome you have a further 30 days to appeal to the tax tribunal.

Help with registering

You can get more help and information from HMRC’s charities helpline.