Renewable Heat Premium Payment scheme
The Renewable Heat Premium Payment (RHPP) scheme is now closed. Householders can now apply for the domestic RHI scheme which launched on 9 April 2014
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
The Renewable Heat Premium Payment (RHPP) householder voucher scheme closed on 31 March 2014.
Householders can now apply for the domestic Renewable Heat Incentive scheme which launched on 9 April 2014.
The RHPP scheme made one-off payments to householders to help them buy renewable heating technologies – solar thermal panels, heat pumps and biomass boilers.
The scheme ran from August 2011 until 31 March 2014
Social Landlord competitions
Registered providers of social housing were able to bid for funds to install renewable heating technologies in their housing stock. These competitions were open to all registered social landlords; this included local authorities, charities, private companies and partnerships.
Installation of heating systems under the Final ‘Reach Out’ competition is continuing - landlords must claim their grants from the Energy Saving Trust by 30 June 2014.
Eligibility for the RHI householder scheme
The domestic RHI scheme is available to homeowners, private and social landlords and their tenants and people who build their own homes.
People who have installed the kit under the RHPP scheme can apply for support through the RHI providing they meet the eligibility criteria of the scheme - along with anybody else who has installed eligible equipment since 15 July 2009.
For recipients of RHPP funding, as with all applicants that have received public funding for their eligible heating system, the value of this funding will be deducted from RHI payments to prevent a double subsidy.
Non-domestic support
The current non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme helps businesses, the public sector and non-profit organisations meet the cost of installing renewable heat technologies.
Further information
Historic information on the Renewable Heat Premium Payment scheme is available on the National Archive website.
Updates to this page
Revision to text to cover latest winners of Social Landlord competition.
Re-ordered and updated the page text.
RHPP Social Landlord Fast Track Competition winners announced
Updated to include information on the new RHI domestic scheme.
Announcement on the increase in the RHPP voucher levels for each of the four eligible technologies.
£6m renewable heat scheme for social landlords opens today
An extension to the RHPP scheme has been announced today (Tuesday 26 March).
First published.