Request an information and consultation agreement with your employer

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To make a request, you need to be an employee of a company or organisation which has both:

  • at least 50 employees
  • its registered office, head office or main operation in England, Scotland or Wales

There’s a different process if you work for a company or organisation based in Northern Ireland, unless both of these apply:

  • its head office or registered office is in England, Scotland or Wales
  • the majority of its employees work in England, Scotland or Wales

Number of employees needed to take part

Employees can either individually request an arrangement or make a single request as a group.

For the request to be valid the following must apply:

  • at least 2% of all the employees in the company or organisation make a request
  • at least 15 employees must make the request
  • individual requests must be received within a 6 month period to be counted together

Find out the number of employees

You can write to your employer to ask how many people they employ.

You can complain to the Central Arbitration Committee (CAC) if:

  • your employer refuses to provide the number of employees
  • you think the number they’ve given you is wrong

Download and fill in the complaint form and send it to the address on the form.