Request information about a vehicle or its registered keeper from DVLA

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Request information about another vehicle or its registered keeper

You can ask for details of another vehicle’s registered keeper. You’ll need a ‘reasonable cause’, for example:

  • finding out who was responsible for an accident
  • tracing the registered keeper of an abandoned vehicle
  • tracing the registered keeper of a vehicle parked on private land
  • giving out parking tickets
  • giving out trespass charge notices
  • tracing people responsible for driving off without paying for goods and services
  • tracing people suspected of insurance fraud

Private car parking management companies that give out parking tickets or trespass charge notices can only request information from DVLA if they’re members of the British Parking Association or the International Parking Community.

How to make a request

Fill in a form and apply by post. Details of how to pay and where to send your application are on each form.

The form you need to use depends on whether you’re:

If your company does not issue parking or trespass notices and you want information about a vehicle on a specific date, you can:

  • request the name and address information for the keeper of a vehicle - use form V888/2A
  • request any other information about a vehicle (for example insurance company details) - use form V888/2B

You can download further information on requesting information from DVLA.