A bibliography of iodine references used in DFID KAR Project R7411. (CR/03/006N).


This bibliography has been compiled for use with the Project No R7411: \"Environmental Controls in Iodine Deficiency Disorders\" which is funded by the UK Department for International Development. This is version 2 of the bibliography supersedes the unpublished version 1.1 produced in March 2000.

The bibliography has been compiled using the EndNote v6.0 software and exported to a MS Word 2000 document prior to conversion to an Adobe Acrobat pdf file. This version is compiled from file Ibiblio2.enl, a 1.088 KB file dated 13/12/02 and holding 937 references.

The bibliography is principally concerned with the geochemistry of iodine but also includes a large number of medical references to iodine as many of these contain iodine data or discussion of intervention techniques. The main function of the bibliography is an interactive searchable database with keywords and abstracts, and this report is just a listing of all the references. Many of the bibliographic entries have been downloaded from the on-line ISI Web of Science Service for UK Education1 and copyright considerations prevent the publication of a list of references with the abstracts.

This report is available to download in full colour (439 kb) and black and white (439 kb).

The references are listed in two ways, alphabetically by author and by the EndNote record number. The latter listing can be used in conjunction with the project's databases that cite references as sources for iodine results. The EndNote record number is the key field linking the bibliographic and results databases2. Keywords used in the bibliography are listed overleaf.

1) http://wos.mimas.ac.uk/

2) Johnson (2003). Database of the iodine content of soils populated with data from published literature. British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham UK. Report Number CR/03/004N.


A bibliography of iodine references used in DFID KAR Project R7411. (CR/03/006N).

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Published 1 January 2003